Monday, October 26, 2009
Sitting and Waiting...
We're 36 weeks today! This was our main goal date, so I'm thrilled to be here. The babies are still very active - moving all over and making my stomach contort into some pretty interesting shapes. One baby (at least one...) has hiccups quite often lately, so that's been fun to feel. The baby girl was hiccuping on our last ultrasound :)
This weekend we worked on getting more ready for the babies. Hospital bag is almost all packed (missing only my toiletries), cameras are charged an on the kitchen table, car seats are installed... I think we're ready!
What am I forgetting to do???
My next appointment is on Wednesday. Hopefully all is still going well!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We have a (latest possible) date!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Baby Boom
So, there's about to be a little baby boom in our little slice of Austin!
Friday, October 9, 2009
10+ Pounds of Baby!
My current 'goal' is to get to 36 weeks, or October 26th. All of the doctors seem to agree that the babies will be very big, healthy, and ready to come home with us at 36 weeks (or even earlier...). After I meet that date, my next goal will be 37 weeks.
I just can't imagine my belly getting much bigger. I'm just going to be sitting/ laying on the couch for the next few weeks. Fun fun :) I'm glad that the fall TV lineup is back...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Best Melon of the Season!

We have our next growth scan on Friday, so we'll see if we're still actually in honeydew range, or if we've moved pass that 5.8lb mark. I'm hoping that both babies are measuring big, since they could really come any time in the next month. I want them to be big and healthy.
Today we had our second biophysical profile. The babies did great again - both scoring a perfect 8/8! The sonographer also showed us that both babies have hair on their heads! I am so amazed that they can see HAIR on an ultrasound. It was so fun. They were both moving around like crazy, but baby A (the girl) is still breech. So, it's looking like I'm going to have to have a c-section. Neither baby has turned around in several weeks.
Tomorrow Juan's coworkers are throwing us a lunchtime baby shower! It is so nice of them to do that. I'll update again after the shower tomorrow or after our Friday growth scan. :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Nursery Progress