Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Birthday...

Monday, November 2, 2009
37 Weeks!

There's not too much going on these days around here. We had a fun Halloween hanging out with Steve and Emily. Juan made some very yummy chicken enchiladas with homemade tomatillo sauce and Emily made her famous rice and beans and two buttermilk pies! Yum!
We had a bunch of very cute trick-or-treaters come by the house. My personal favorite was a little boy dressed up as Billy Mays (RIP), complete with a bottle of OxyClean and a magic marker beard. We ran out of candy pretty early in the night. Luckily Steve and Emily had a backup supply at their house and they were able to save the day!
I'm just continuing to take it easy. One week from right now we'll be getting started with our scheduled c-section! (unless they decide to come on their own before then...) Yay!!! Our next and last appointment before the babies arrive is Wednesday morning to see how the babies are doing in there. The finish line is near!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sitting and Waiting...
We're 36 weeks today! This was our main goal date, so I'm thrilled to be here. The babies are still very active - moving all over and making my stomach contort into some pretty interesting shapes. One baby (at least one...) has hiccups quite often lately, so that's been fun to feel. The baby girl was hiccuping on our last ultrasound :)
This weekend we worked on getting more ready for the babies. Hospital bag is almost all packed (missing only my toiletries), cameras are charged an on the kitchen table, car seats are installed... I think we're ready!
What am I forgetting to do???
My next appointment is on Wednesday. Hopefully all is still going well!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We have a (latest possible) date!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Baby Boom
So, there's about to be a little baby boom in our little slice of Austin!
Friday, October 9, 2009
10+ Pounds of Baby!
My current 'goal' is to get to 36 weeks, or October 26th. All of the doctors seem to agree that the babies will be very big, healthy, and ready to come home with us at 36 weeks (or even earlier...). After I meet that date, my next goal will be 37 weeks.
I just can't imagine my belly getting much bigger. I'm just going to be sitting/ laying on the couch for the next few weeks. Fun fun :) I'm glad that the fall TV lineup is back...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Best Melon of the Season!

We have our next growth scan on Friday, so we'll see if we're still actually in honeydew range, or if we've moved pass that 5.8lb mark. I'm hoping that both babies are measuring big, since they could really come any time in the next month. I want them to be big and healthy.
Today we had our second biophysical profile. The babies did great again - both scoring a perfect 8/8! The sonographer also showed us that both babies have hair on their heads! I am so amazed that they can see HAIR on an ultrasound. It was so fun. They were both moving around like crazy, but baby A (the girl) is still breech. So, it's looking like I'm going to have to have a c-section. Neither baby has turned around in several weeks.
Tomorrow Juan's coworkers are throwing us a lunchtime baby shower! It is so nice of them to do that. I'll update again after the shower tomorrow or after our Friday growth scan. :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Nursery Progress

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Broncos, Mavs and Nursery Photos
(This outfit is honestly not so bright in real life... it's dark navy and royal blue)
Yesterday Juan painted the nursery a great creamy yellow color. It was yellow before, but it was much brighter and I didn't really like it that much. It is much prettier now! We also put up a ceiling fan a few nights ago!
We put together the cribs today! I've attached a few pictures below. We need to go and get the crib mattresses next week and then the cribs will look a little more comfy. The dresser is still sitting in the living room. Juan's going to have to bribe Steve with a beer to get him to come over and help move it.We were originally thinking about putting a bookshelf against the wall between the cribs, but I don't really think that's a good idea anymore. I wouldn't want the babies grabbing stuff off of the shelves as soon as they're able to stand up in the cribs. That space will probably remain empty for now and we'll see where there's room for a bookshelf after the dresser is in the room.
Not too much else going on today. We're just watching football and taking it easy! I have two doctors appointments this week. One on Tuesday for just a regular weight/blood pressure/urine test appointment and one on Friday for a growth scan! I am excited for the growth scan - hopefully these little guys have grown well over the past month!
Also, on Tuesday, we have our "Newborn Care" class. It should be interesting and I think it includes a hospital tour. I have no idea how to care for a newborn, so hopefully I'll learn a thing or two.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wonderful Weekend

Yes - this is a horrible picture - but it shows the massiveness of my belly... It was also a very interesting pedicure experience :) Right Seester and Emily? haha!
I'm now 29 weeks along! I will hopefully keep these babies safe inside for another ~7-9 weeks (eek!! That's single digits!). I have this week off from doctors appointments, but have two the following week to make up for it. I'm looking forward to our next growth scan a week from Friday to see how much these little guys have grown. Judging from the size of my belly (and the addition of a few stretch marks to my tummy) and the strength of the kicks/punches/rolls that I've been feeling - I have a feeling the babies are growing nicely!
Our next project is the nursery! We will hopefully freshen up the paint this week or weekend and then start setting up cribs and decorating. I'll definitely post pictures of the nursery in progress... Oh, and just to clarify... when I say "we" will freshen up the paint and set up cribs, I really mean Juan will do it. I'll be a supportive and thankful wife from the couch. :)Monday, August 24, 2009
27 Week Growth Scan
We are 27 weeks now, but the babies are measuring closer to 29/30 weeks. So, that's good news!
The sonographer took a few pictures of the babies that I'll scan and attach later on this evening or tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another big day - we're getting the furniture delivered! The cribs and dresser will be arriving sometime in the afternoon. We need to get moving on cleaning out and painting the nursery (former office)!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I Passed!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

(actual image from http://www.theuppercrustbakery.com/)
This afternoon I signed up for the Austin Mothers of Multiples club (http://www.austinmoms.org/)! They have monthly large group meetings and several other play groups, lunches, happy hours, etc... throughout the month. The next group meeting is August 31st - I've already RSVPed.
They also have a huge resale event/consignment sale twice a year. Members of the "MOMs" group get to go on Friday night for first dibs on all of the items at the sale. It opens to the general public on Saturday. The next sale event is on September 11 - 12th - I'm looking forward to checking it out!

On the baby front - they are now the size of Eggplants! They're moving around a bunch and giving me some pretty good kicks. I can't wait to see them again on an ultrasound in a few weeks!
I have a meeting with HR on Tuesday to talk about Maternity Leave and get rolling on the necessary paperwork. Yay!Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nursery Furniture and Crib Bedding

Hopefully we'll like everything when we receive it in the mail in a few weeks!!
6 Months!

(This isn't my picture - I stole it off the internet)
At my next appointment I have to take a Gestational Diabetes test. I have to drink this orange soda sugar drink an hour before my appointment and then get a blood test to see how my body reacts to the sugar. I've heard that the drink can really mess you up - it's soooo loaded with sugar.So, no sugar for me for a few days leading up to the test ;) I'm not sure if that will make any difference, but I really don't want to be on a restricted diet or on insulin shots for the next several months!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Three Pounds of Baby

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's a...
Baby "A" - the girl - is in the pictures on the left. Baby "B" - the boy - is in the pictures on the right.
It was really fun to see the babies on the ultrasound and to see how much they've grown and changed! We were told that they now weigh between 10 (girl) and 12 (boy) ounces. I checked out thebump.com again to see what size the babies are at 19 weeks. It says that they're the size of mangos and weigh about 8 ounces. I guess we've got some big babies, because at 10-12 ounces, they're weighing in at the average weight for 21 weeks!

We are now seeing two doctors - my regular OB and a high risk doctor. Everything is going okay now, but I feel good about having two doctors keeping an eye on me and on the babies! More appointments means more chances to see the babies and hear their little heartbeats. We'll just try to keep them cooking as long as possible!
Now on to the fun stuff... names and baby shopping! whoohoo! Juan is working right now on brainstorming some names. I already have a few names in mind, so I'll see if they're on Juan's list... If so, maybe the naming process won't be so hard! :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Major Milestone :)

Last night was a lot of fun. We ate dinner and then went for an evening dip in the pool. We came back inside, put on our pj's and had cupcakes and strawberry nesquick. Can it get much better than that? haha.

Friday, June 12, 2009
My First Post
Juan and I are really excited, happy and a bit nervous about the change that is coming soon to our lives. Our whole family is very excited - these babies will definitely be spoiled rotten!
I am now about 17 weeks along and I'd have to say that this is probably the hardest part of the pregnancy so far - not physically, but mentally. I feel totally fine (knocking on wood!!) but have not been able to feel the babies move yet (at least I don't think I've really felt it). I wish I had a little window so I could look into my belly to see how everything is going.
Speaking of a window into the belly - I have my 'big' ultrasound in 2 weeks, so I should be finding out whether we're expecting 2 boys, 2 girls or 1 of each! I'm ready to start shopping and working on choosing names, so I'm really excited about this appointment! If you haven't already, go and vote in the poll on the right side of the screen. There's not a place to leave your name or a comment on the poll, but feel free to leave a comment on one of my blog posts with your guess so I'll know who guessed right ;) Just to keep the playing field even - at my 13 week appointment the doctor guessed 2 boys and at my 15 week appointment he guessed one boy/one girl.

According to one source (http://www.thebump.com/) the babies are the size of onions this week. They're about 5.1 inches long from crown to rump (top of the head to their bottom) and weigh about 5.9 ounces! I'm okay with them being the size of an onion - I don't love to eat onions. A few weeks ago they were the length of a taco shell (from head to toe - no, they're not shrinking) and I had a major problem eating tacos for a few days... and yes - it was a problem going without tacos for a few days. :)
Hmm, what else...
I have officially transitioned into maternity clothes. My 'old' pants no longer zip or button, so I'm now all about the elastic waists and sundresses. I need to take some 'belly' pictures to post on here... maybe I'll start that this weekend.
My first trimester wasn't too bad. I was pretty tired and didn't feel great in the evenings, but I think I had it pretty easy! I started feeling pretty "normal" again about 3 weeks ago. I still try to get in an afternoon nap when I can - I know I won't be sleeping very much for the next several years.

Future Family Photo?
Well, that's all I've got for today! Maybe there will be some fun weekend adventures or photo sessions to blog about soon.