The rest of the appointment went really well. The babies both have great heartbeats and are kicking all over (like ninja babies - hehe). Trust me - they like using my bladder as a trampoline at 3am and 4am and 5am... I might need a nap today. They're still positioned sideways or breech, which isn't ideal. I don't want to have to have a C-Section, so I'm hoping they'll flip over before they get too big to move around.
My next appointment is on Monday for a growth scan. Those appointments are fun - we'll get a good look at how much the little babies have grown!
I also noticed this morning that my neighbor is pregnant! I just saw her in her yard when I was on my way to my doctors appointment. I didn't have time to stop to talk to her (plus I was hopped up on my sugar drink and was having a hard enough time focusing on driving). I don't know her very well at all, but if we have babies at the same time maybe we'll bond over our sleepless nights. She already has a little boy who is maybe ~4 years old. Hopefully I'll run into her soon and find out how far along she is and how she's doing!
Woo hoo! You are taking good care of yourself and those babies! Way to go, Momma! Now go have a cupcake to celebrate...
Can't wait to have lots of treats with you in just a couple of weeks! :)
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