This past weekend we drove to Dallas for our last trip out of town before these babies arrive. We had a great weekend full of time with family and friends.

On Saturday my sister and a few of my great childhood friends threw me a baby shower! Erin, Ashli, Ellen and Lynne were so nice to host this shower for us. We went to Chocolate Angel in Richardson and ate some very yummy salads and dessert and then I worked up a sweat opening all the amazing presents for these little babies!! Everyone was so generous - we have the best friends and family anyone could ask for. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone. It was a great afternoon.
While I was being showered, Juan went to play golf with his dad, Pedro and Steve. Pedro had the round of his life and everyone else played pretty well. They were all in good spirits on Saturday evening :)
We spent a lot of time with both my family and Juan's family. It was great to be able to spend some quiet quality time with everyone one last time before the arrival of these babies... Our family time is going to look a lot different starting in a few months!
Yes - this is a horrible picture - but it shows the massiveness of my belly... It was also a very interesting pedicure experience :) Right Seester and Emily? haha!
I'm now 29 weeks along! I will hopefully keep these babies safe inside for another ~7-9 weeks (eek!! That's single digits!). I have this week off from doctors appointments, but have two the following week to make up for it. I'm looking forward to our next growth scan a week from Friday to see how much these little guys have grown. Judging from the size of my belly (and the addition of a few stretch marks to my tummy) and the strength of the kicks/punches/rolls that I've been feeling - I have a feeling the babies are growing nicely!
Our next project is the nursery! We will hopefully freshen up the paint this week or weekend and then start setting up cribs and decorating. I'll definitely post pictures of the nursery in progress... Oh, and just to clarify... when I say "we" will freshen up the paint and set up cribs, I really mean Juan will do it. I'll be a supportive and thankful wife from the couch. :)
I don't believe I've ever seen a pregnant woman getting a pedi.. :) Tell Erin hello.
I'm glad you had such a nice time at the shower! I was sorry to miss it!
I got a pedi when I was about 38 or 39 weeks along. The woman looked quite scared of me, but I didn't care. It was heavenly. :)
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